Topic 1: Ghosts
I love reading ghost stories and anything paranormal, even if it keeps me up at night. Okay, honestly I don't read anything ghost or paranormal related at night, strictly during daytime hours. The topic has always been so interesting to me. One of my favorite things to do is go to spirit fairs and do tarot card readings and things of that sort. Some people say it's two different things, but it's all weird and creepy to me. I would like to learn about ghost stories and paranormal things from other cultures, I know some cultures and/or religions take it very seriously. So to hear stories from different perspectives will be interesting, because in America anything paranormal in my opinion is commercialized due to Hollywood. I think it would be fun to tell a story from the ghost/spirits point of view. I don't feel like that is done very often so it is something I have thought about doing for this project.
Topic 2: Tricksters
I don't have any previous knowledge of trickster stories. I never knew what they were but now that I look back, I know i've heard stories and ready stories where there was a trickster. After reading some of the reading overview stories, I discovered that I enjoy stories that involve tricksters. Now that I think about it, Swiper the Fox from Dora the Explorer is the definition of a trickster! One of the stories I started to read when doing research for this was The Ass, the Lion, and the Fox . I think what is so cool is that different cultures take the same story but change of the trickster or what the trickster does depending on their beliefs and environment.
Topic 3: The Devil
Again, I like creepy devilish things, I'm not sure why, it's just what I like. What I liked about the story i found, The Carpenter and the Devil , is that it is told from the Devil's point of view. I am starting to see a pattern now, and it seems that I enjoy reading stories from the point of view from characters that normally their point of view isn't heard. I would like to learn more stories about the devil, hopefully I can find some more from the devil's point of view. If I choose this topic, I will definitely be doing it from his point of view.
Topic 4: Urban Legends
When I think of urban legends, the thing that comes to mind for me is the Bloody Mary urban legend. You know, if you look into the mirror and say Bloody Mary five times in a row something spooky is suppose to happen. I have never known the backstory of that and why people say that now that I think of it. One of the stories I found is about The Grim Reaper, I never thought of this as an urban legend but now that I think of it, it is textbook urban legend. I am interested in how many common urban legends are from different cultures and areas around the world and how they vary.
In conclusion, I like dark things that can't be explained. All four of the topics I have chosen can all be intertwined in some way, the devil himself is really just a trickster. I'm looking forward to exploring more with these topics and making my final decision.
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