Biography: Clueless

June 2013, the pivotal moment in my young life. Seventeen years old is so young, at the time though, you feel like you are the smartest being in the world. No one can tell a seventeen year old anything they don't already know, right?

Getting my first job at Sonic Drive-in was the best thing I ever did, I learned so much in my three years there. It as even better when my best friend got a job there working with me. We were typical teenagers, spending all of our money at the mall, staying out late, lying to our parents, you know... seventeen year old stuff.

Until June 7th of 2013, I didn't feel right. In my mind, I look back and I feel like I knew, I just didn't want to come to terms with it. I was paranoid, this couldn't happen to me, nooooo way. Until it did.

My manager at the time went and bought what I needed to confirm, I was too scared. My best friend and I were in the Sonic bathroom when my entire life changed. A positive pregnancy test, noooooo way. I remember staring at it and saying "no, I think it's negative. Definitely not positive." I was in denial. My best friend read the insert from the box and said "dude... it says even if line is faint..." Yep, a faint line there was. 

Fifteen minutes and another clear blue digital test later that read in bold print "PREGNANT," my best friend was in tears. I stood there in shock as she cried and waited for me to say something. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to think, in that moment my seventeen year old self knew NOTHING. 

The shock eventually wore off as time went on and I had to admit to many people that I didn't know anything. My life was forever changed and I was humbled real quick. I think the idea of "we don't know sh*t" spread to my friends, which was a good thing looking back. 

So there's my one of many pivotal moments in life, apart from becoming a mom to the coolest dude ever, I learned that I was clueless about life and honestly, who isn't? 

Note: I wanted to tell this story in past tense, but tried really hard to make the reader feel like they were there. I attempted a build up while not making the story unnecessarily long. 


  1. Hi Destiny! First of all, I just want to thank you for sharing this story with us; it must have been a moment where you felt really vulnerable and scared, and I personally think it is so brave for you to share it with us. I'm commenting on this story as a part of the Week 5 Feedback assignment, and as this is a biographical story about a particularly personal moment, just for reference.
    I really connect with the whole idea of being young and thinking you have it all figured out, only to come to the often difficult realization that you do not. It seems like your friends and coworkers were pretty supportive people; I wonder how much different this situation would have been for you if you didn't have that (I mean, I am so glad you did, I'm just wondering). My only suggestion is that I personally have more questions, like how did your parents react at the time? But, as I said, this is a biographical story, and it really isn't up to us as the readers to tell you how much you should share. That being said, thank you again for this story!

  2. Hello Destiny,

    I would like to begin by saying that you did a great job. I think it is very brave of you for sharing this story as it is a very personal story. From your story it seems like that your best friend and co-workers are very supportive and were there when you needed them the most. Overall, I think you did good job with telling this story.

  3. Hi destiny! I really enjoyed reading this personal and major milestone in your life! I also like how you tried to relate to the readers what you learned from it. I remember seventeen year old me and if i could go back and tell myself off and that i dont know anything yet I would, hopefully it would knock some sense into me! I enjoyed how you put yourself back in your young mindset and came across that with your thought and emotions. Great job! have an amazing week!


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